'ODTONE - Open Dot Twenty One'



Getting Started

The DNS-User was implemented in order to enable the discovery of PoS entities in a given domain according to the guidelines depicted in the RFC5679.

The DNS-User has two modes of discovery operations: standalone operation or complementary operation. In the standalone operation, the DNS-User discovers all needed information about the PoS in the configured domain name. In the complementary operation, the DNS-User operates as a second discovery mechanism, used to discover the remaining PoS information, i.e., the MIHF provides the domain name on which the DNS-User must discover PoS entities.

The discovery process is triggered by the reception of a "MIH_Capability_Discover.indication" message and, based on the information presented, the DNS-User decides on which operation mode will execute the discovery of new PoS. The discovered entities are grouped in one single message and are forwarded to the MIHF through a "MIH_Capability_Discover.response" message.

[Note] Note

The DNS-User is working only for Linux.

The DHCP-User does not need provide any information during the registration process. To give this entity the discovery role, it must be configured in the MIHF using the following option:

discovery = DNS

DNS-User Configuration:
    --help                           Display configuration options
    --conf.file arg (=dns.conf)      Configuration File
    --user.id arg (=DNS)             MIH User ID
    --conf.port arg (=1234)          Listening Port
    --conf.recv_buff_len arg (=4096) Receive Buffer Length
    --mihf.ip arg (=       MIHF Local Communications IP Address
    --mihf.local_port arg (=1025)    MIHF Local Communications Port
    --user.domain arg                Domain name
    --user.additional_rr arg (=1)    Use additional resource records

The DNS-User can be configured based on a set of parameters, which can be configured either using an configuration file or passing them directly in the command line.

For defining the default search domain the --user.domain option should be used. The use of the additional resource records presented in the DNS messages can be enable or disable using the --user.additional_rr option.

BIND configuration example

At the named.conf file insert the next piece of code:

zone "odtone.test" IN {
    type master;
    file "/etc/bind/pri/odtone.dnszone";

Then create a file named odtone.dnszone which will include the next content:

$ORIGIN odtone.test.
@                       1D IN SOA       localhost. root.localhost. (
                                        2006101001      ; serial
                                        3H              ; refresh
                                        15M             ; retry
                                        1W              ; expiry
                                        1D )            ; minimum

                        1D IN NS        ns
ns                      1D IN A

_MIHIS._udp               1D SRV 0 0 4551 mos

mos.odtone.test.      1D IN A
odtone.test.          1D IN A
odtone.test.          1D IN NAPTR 50 50 "s" "MIHIS+M2U" ""      _MIHIS._udp

Before running the DNS-User, the local MIHF should already be running. Otherwise, the DNS-User will try to register with a non-exitent MIHF.
