'OPMIP - Open PMIPv6'




To get usage help, type at the command prompt: opmip-mag --help

Table 3. Command line options

Short Option

Long Option




Display command line options

-i arg

--id arg

This node identifier on the node database. Defaults to the hostname

-d arg

--database arg

Node database file. Defaults to node.db

-l arg

--log arg

Optional log file. Defaults to the standard output

-e arg

--driver arg

Event driver to be used, available: madwifi, dummy or a custom driver .so

--link-local-ip arg

Link local IP address for all access links. Defaults to fe80::1, see MAG setup

--driver-options args

Driver specific options passed to driver.

The built-in driver MadWifi must receive a list of interfaces to listen for events. You can pass it with --driver-options or after the driver name. For example:

opmip-mag -e madwifi ath0

The built-in dummy driver must receive the number of events to generate per second. The frequency must be in the range [0.0001, 1000]. For example, to generate 1 event/second:

opmip-mag -e dummy 1

You can also tell the dummy driver, after the frequency option, the mobile node IDs from the database to impersonate. If you do not set this, the dummy driver will impersonate all of them.

To use your own driver (see Write an opmip-mag event driver) the argument must be the .so filename or the path to the file. For example:

opmip-mag -e mydriver.so
opmip-mag -e ./mydriver.so

In the first case mydriver.so must be placed in one of the default locations. In the second case the file is search in the current directory.

To get usage help, type at the command prompt: opmip-lma --help

Table 4. Command line options

Short Option

Long Option




Display command line options

-i arg

--id arg

This node identifier on the node database. Defaults to the hostname

-d arg

--database arg

Node database file. Defaults to node.db

-l arg

--log arg

Optional log file. Defaults to the standard output
