'ODTONE - Open Dot Twenty One'


MIH-Users and Link SAPs configuration

One of the extensions provided by the ODTONE is a mechanism which allows the MIH-Users or the Link SAPs to dynamically register with the MIHF, named local discovery.

However this mechanism is optional and, therefore, the statically configuration of the MIH-Users and Link SAPs is still possible. In this section we will depict the many ways to configure the MIH-Users and Link SAPs.

MIH-Users configuration

Using the local discovery mechanism

You just need to configure in the MIH-User configuration file the following options:

## Commands supported by the MIH-User
## e.g.: commands = mih_link_get_parameters, mih_link_configure_thresholds
commands = <comma separated list of supported commands>

## Queries supported by the MIH-User
## e.g: queries = iq_type_binary_data, iq_type_rdf_data
queries = <comma separated list of supported queries>

Statically configuration on the MIHF

You need to configure in the ODTONE-MIHF configuration file the following options:

## Comma separated list of local MIH User SAPs id's and ports
## e.g.1: users = user 1234
## e.g.2: users = user 1234 mih_net_ho_candidate_query iq_type_binary_data
## e.g.3: users = user 1234 iq_type_binary_data
users = <user sap id> <port> [<supported commands> <supported queries>], ...

[Note] Note

As presented on the previous example, the MIH-User can be configured in many ways. If the supported commands are not configured (e.g.1 and e.g.3) the MIHF will assume that the MIH-User supports all commands. However, this behaviour does not work for the supported queries, since its MIIS specific. In this way, if the supported queries are not configured (e.g.1) the MIHF will assume that the MIH-User does not support any query.

Also, the configuration of the supported commands and supported queries can be specified (e.g.2) and, therefore, the MIHF will assume that the MIH-User only supports the configured commands and queries.

Link SAPs configuration

Using the local discovery mechanism

You just need to configure in the Link SAP configuration file the following options:

## Link SAP interface technology
## e.g.: tec = 802_11
tec = <interface>

## Link SAP interface address
## e.g.: link_addr = 00:11:22:33:44:55
link_addr = <interface address>

Statically configuration on the MIHF

You need to configure in the ODTONE-MIHF configuration file the following options:

## Comma separated list of local MIH Link SAPs id's and ports.
## e.g.: links = link 1235 802_11 00:11:22:33:44:55
links = <link sap id> <port> <technology type> <interface>, ...

[Note] Note

In what concerns technology type, the MIHF only supports Ethernet, IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.20, IEEE 802.22 configuration.

Deactivate local discovery

By default the MIH-Users and Link SAPs provided by ODTONE have the local discovery enabled, i.e., at the bootstrap they send a registration message to their local MIHF. If you want to deactivate this behaviour you need to comment the following lines in the correspondent constructor:


odtone::mih::message m;
boost::optional<odtone::mih::mih_cmd_list> supp_cmd = parse_supported_commands(cfg);

m << odtone::mih::indication(odtone::mih::indication::user_register)
	& odtone::mih::tlv_command_list(supp_cmd);

_mihf.async_send(m, boost::bind(&mih_user::user_reg_handler, this, boost::cref(cfg), _2));


odtone::mih::message m;
boost::optional<odtone::mih::iq_type_list> supp_iq = parse_supported_queries(cfg);

m << odtone::mih::indication(odtone::mih::indication::user_register)
    & odtone::mih::tlv_query_type_list(supp_iq);

_mihf.async_send(m, boost::bind(&miis_rdf_server::user_reg_handler, this, boost::cref(cfg), _2));

Link SAP



