'ODTONE - Open Dot Twenty One'


MIH Protocol C interface

The MIH Protocol C interface was developed and provided to us by Eurecom, in Sophia-Antipolis, France. These libraries provide the necessary definitions of the messages and datatypes used to communicate with ODTONE's MIHF (using a local version of the MIH Protocol). As such, with this valuable contribution from Eurecom, users of the ODTONE implementation are able to create their MIH-Users and Link SAP modules using the C language.

You can find it on "extensions/MIH_C_Protocol/" folder.

For more information please contact: davide.brizzolara@eurecom.fr or michelle.wetterwald@eurecom.fr

Together with the MIH Protocol C interface, some software that can be used to test the MIH Protocol C interface was provided. It consists in two entities:


The mRALlteInt is compiled and installed in the mRALlteInt folder ("extensions/MIH_C_Protocol/LTE_link_Test/mRALlteInt"). To compile it you just need to run the following command:


The mih_usr and odtone-mihf executables will be available by compiling ODTONE.

[Note] Note

The mih-usr.cpp file provided must replace the default mih-usr.cpp provided by ODTONE in order to run the LTE Link SAP test Interface Scenario (depicted here).

Test scenario

Messages are exchanged between the following entities:

mih_usr <-> ODTONE <-> mRALlteInt

The test scenario is depicted in the following figure:


To test the validation scenario, execute the following programs, each in its own terminal, and in the following order:

./mRALlteInt <LOG_location> <LOG_level>
./mih_usr --dest=mihf1

[Note] Note

mRALlteInt usage :

./mRALlteInt <LOG_location> <LOG_level>

LOG_location can take the following values 0 : Log to screen 1 : Log to file (default is /tmp/log_MT_LTE.txt) 2 : Log to system (syslog) -- FFS

If no value is entered, default value as log to file is assumed.

LOG_level can take the following values 0 : DEBUG + ERROR 1 : ERROR only
